Summary : six disciplines execution revolution (review and analysis of Harpst's book)

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The must-read summary of Gary Harpst's book: "Six Disciplines Execution Revolution: Solving the One Business Problem that Makes Solving All Other Problems Easier".

This complete summary of the ideas from Gary Harpst's book "Six Disciplines Execution Revolution" shows that the biggest challenge facing your business at the present time is never what you think it is at first glance. Whatever issues you're facing today, you can guarantee they will be replaced by another set of new and different challenges tomorrow. In his book, the author explains that the biggest challenge is actually always planning and executing well, even while you address the challenges of the immediate present. If you can solve this problem, then finding solutions for all the other problems which may arise in the future will be easier. This summary will reveal the key to overcoming the challenge of executing strategy.

Added-value of this summary:
- Save time
- Understand key concepts